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PowerSearch TM
Intelligent Search. Incredible Advantage.
Powersearch and Power Search are trademarks of Hiwire Data & Security Pte Ltd

PowerSearch is regarded by many in the Real Estate industry as the market leader and the most popular and sellable realtors' product in 2003! The unique advantage PowerSearch has over its competitors is a breakthrough technology that embraces the Unique Artificial Intelligence(uAI) formulation.  Probably, the only Intelligent Property Listing Solution available in the world!

The uAI formulation will break up the entire Classifieds into individual listings, integrate them to our very own database, and finally channeling Enhanced Data to the user.  This process is extremely complex due to the nature of an agent's descriptions, abbreviations and different layouts of the advertisements.  The process is done overnight, daily and ready by 10am every morning.  The amount of effort is immeasurable and commitment to service & quality is pretty extensive.

With PowerSearch, it can help you close deals like never before!  Already hundreds of top agents, young & inexperienced agents are discovering new ways to increase their effectiveness by using less time and money to close a deal!

Check out these extra strengths you'll gain that others don't:

  • How to close a deal without even spending a single cent on advertisements
  • How to detect the multiple Goldmines with the PowerSearch detector
  • Where do you find owners selling before others do
  • What do you do when the owners aren't realistic
  • How to seek out open listings with just one look
  • How to locate expired or near-expiry listings that are easier to sell
  • How do you track all new listings on a daily basis in just 1 minute a day
  • How to secure and hold on to your Buyers
  • How to close a deal without sales technique or experience
  • How to monitor competitors and the Demand & Supply
  • What to do when your ads receive no response
  • How to switch your competitors to excellent collaborators

Many have turned their paltry investment in PowerSearch 10 times over within a month! We have testimonies to vouch for. So, my dear realtor, it's time you make more money using less effort & cost. If others can, so can you!

With more than 8000 agents out there, how can you make a difference and outsell your competitors? PowerSearch is the intelligent choice to give you that distinct advantage!

Call 62930128 now for a FREE DEMO.

Payment Modes

Online payment can be made only using VISA or MasterCard.

Cheques can be made payable to "Hiwire Data & Security Pte Ltd" and mail to our office. Kindly indicate your name and contact number on the back of the cheque. The CDROM will be mailed to you upon receipt of payment.

Cash or NETS payment can be made at our office.

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Power Search Instruction Manual.